I find it weird & have no idea what's caused this. What might be the cause of this? Bruising in Babies: Normal or Not? | Riley Children's Health Answer (1 of 2): If it is a bruise with no pain, I am very concerned. Achenbach's syndrome is a rare, self-limiting condition, which causes spontaneous bruising in the hand or fingers. For the most part, bruises will eventually heal on their own. These characteristically blue bruises appear for no known reason, such as trauma to the finger. Last week this unexplained pain and bruise appeared on my left hand (palm) where my pointer finger joint is. 6 signs unexplained bruising may be worrisome | Shine365 ... You are asked to evaluate a healthy 15-year-old boy with transverse bruise-like marks on his back (Figure 1). That means you're more likely to bruise. large purple stretch marks. There are quite a few issues to cause your spine to feel bruised, including: Back injuries are among the most common causes of spinal pain or . Posted on Mon, 2 Feb 2015 . According to our 2018 patient survey, "Living with Leukaemia", frequent bruising and bleeding precedes a diagnosis of leukaemia in 24% of patients. Here is a thorough insight into this medical condition. Unexplained bruises that have a pattern should raise concern for possible maltreatment. This gets much worse if the unexplained bruising repeatedly happens on the sides of your neck, back, legs and face. Keeping the wounded area above your heart can prevent the bruise from getting bigger. A foot contusion (bruise) is the result of physical damage to the veins and capillaries (which help move blood back toward the heart). Common Causes of Unexplained Bruising | Buoy Causes Of Unexplained Bruising On Legs. Other symptoms include: skin that bruises easily. This happens when small blood vessels get torn and leak blood under the skin. On exam there are multiple horizontal violaceous linear striae on his back. Unexplained bruising, blood tests OK | Cancer Chat The blood pools in the damaged area and creates that blue/purple color. Jun 4, 2014 at 8:45 AM. Giant bruise behind knee on back of leg - Doctor answers ... Bruising on the back of the hands and arms is common. Bruises and Hepatitis C: What to Know and Prevention "So is bruising that is associated with fever, associated with numbness or tingling in the area, rapidly spreading, or occurs after an injury with a dirty object like a tree branch." I have posted a photo to see if anyone may . Random bruising could be a sign of a health issue that should be checked out. Unexplained Bruising on Legs: Why It Happens & When to ... Cushing's syndrome - NHS If bruising appears on places you wouldn't normally expect, like your face, back or abdomen, Baruch said you should talk with your doctor about it. Bruising for no reason can be explained and treated. Early signs of this are when unexplained bruising occurs, as even minor impacts that take place in everyday life create bruises because an inordinate amount of bleeding takes . Unexplained Bruising: 11 Causes, Diabetes Connection ... Bruises are a normal response to an injury or trauma such as a fall, a cut, or bumping into something hard, like furniture. Bruises are more suspicious in locations in which there are no bony prominences underneath. They first appear as flat red blotches and change color to purple, become deeper before they gradually fade away. Oftentimes, you can reduce your risk for future bruising by making sure you're getting the right nutrients in your diet. Sometimes only a slight bump results in a nasty bruise. depression and mood swings. Especially in pre-mobile children, injuries to the frenulum are also suspicious. Believe it or not, unexplained bruising can be a red flag for other underlying problems. This article will detail the common causes of bruises and highlight the various treatment options However, if a bruise persists, changes in size, or looks unusual, there may be an underlying condition or other factors. In Ireland, this condition is seen occasionally. Bruises develop for a reason — even if it's a subtle one. Many of the causes of unexplained bruising can be identified by simple laboratory tests. Bruising for no reason can be explained and treated. Bruising can be caused by an underlying medical condition, accidental injury, or physical abuse. If you develop unexplained bruising on your arms or legs, something caused it — you touched or bumped against something that resulted in that bruise. A few months ago I noticed a small bruise behind one knee but I've just noticed this morning that its now developed into a big dark line about an inch wide going across my whole knee crease and I've noticed a smaller bruise starting to appear on my other knee crease. They may not appear straight away but the skin can still be painful and often feel tender at first. Injuries or trauma are common causes of a breast bruise. Vitamin K is needed to help blood clot properly and prevent random bruising. It is a bruise on your spine, but unlike most bruises, this requires more serious medical attention. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms bruising or discoloration (back), bruising or discoloration (lumbar spine), muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and pain or discomfort including Bruise or contusion . It has a great deal of hefty lifting to do: The back spinal column brings the weight of your entire top body, plus biomechanical tensions that accompany activity. An ill-fitting bra may cause bruising on the breast. Unexplained bruising, blood tests OK. Unexplained bruising is one of the symptoms of multiple myeloma, as is bone pain. These flat blotches start out red, then turn purple, darken a bit further and eventually fade. Any bruising (or a mark that might be bruising) in a baby or child of any age who is not independently mobile should raise concern and be subject to further enquiry by all professionals Unexplained bruising or any bruising in a child not independently mobile must always raise suspicion of maltreatment and should . Unexplained Bruising On Back Of Hand. Bruising can be from trauma/injury but you will know if that is in the picture or not. The condition seems to occur more often in middle-aged women than in any other age group. I just noticed a few large bruises on my husbands back. Multiple blood diseases can cause easy bruising, including hemophilia (inability of blood to clot), blood poisoning, liver disease, kidney disease, or cancer. Bruising - The liver produces the compounds necessary for clotting to occur in the body, so when the liver function is impaired the body is unable to clot normally. But even if your pain is not caused by bruising, physical damage could still play a part. Blood Diseases. He is otherwise healthy and denies any history of back injury or . Even a small bump can cause a rupture in the blood vessels, leading to a red or purple-colored bruise. Causes Of Unexplained Bruising On Legs . Rarity: Common. (Sides, thighs & butt) I brought my son to his pedi and ended up leaving without my son. Introduction Accidental bruising in a non-independently mobile baby is very rare. Unexplained bruising can be the result of numerous causes from aging and vitamin deficiencies to diabetes.Random bruising could be a sign of a health issue that should be checked out. depression and mood swings. Unexplained bruising symptom checker. Lower Back Pain And Unexplained Bruising. "Bruising that's unexplained, recurrent, or painful is also a reason to see a doctor," says Dr. Saardi. . "If you think a bruise is trauma-related, use an ice pack to decrease swelling in the first 24 hours," Strey said. Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. I was not physically abused. last night a large port wine coloured bruise suddenly appeared on the back of my hand. These are thin pieces of tissue that connect the lips to the gums. Any ideas what it could be - I don't . Finding bruises on buttocks may not be surprising if you are well aware you have just been accidentally hit with a blunt object or if you have just taken quite a hard fall when you played your favorite sport. Unexplained Finger Bruising There are some cases where you simply can't tell why a bruise appeared on your finger ; you don't recall injuring it. [1-4] However, bruising is also the most common injury in children who have been physically abused. You also want to keep in consideration other types of back injuries that could bruise your spine. a. amvsl. The most common causes of unexplained bruises. The skin appears sun-damaged, thin and wrinkled. Page 12 of 14. Patterned bruising is usually caused by impact with an object of the same or similar shape, and can reflect either a positive imprint (eg, of a shoe sole, from impact with a shoe) or a negative imprint (eg, parallel linear lines representing the spaces between fingers, from impact with a . In the middle is a white lump like a ganglion cyst. However, any bruise with no known injury is a reason for worry. Taking foods that are rich in those essential nutrients may help. For example, a lack of vitamin C can lead to scurvy which causes unexplained bruising and bleeding. However, if you get bruises all of a sudden and without any explanation, you might feel very worried. Bruising or bleeding is one of the most common symptoms associated with a blood cancer diagnosis. It was not there one minute and then it was. a reduced sex drive (low libido) and fertility problems. A. There is a type of myeloma, non-secretory, where the usual sign of excess blood protein does not occur. The aetiology is unknown. Shine365 is your source for healthy living information from Marshfield Clinic. Called actinic purpura, the blood vessels burst after years of sun exposure (which weakens the vessel walls) and create bruises on the backs of hands or arms. weakness in your upper arms and thighs. Sometimes protein can be found in the urine and not in the blood. If bruising appears on places you wouldn't normally expect, like your face, back or abdomen, Baruch said you should talk with your doctor about it. It happens when… Thrombophilia - Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura and idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura are bleeding disorders that… One cause of random bruising on legs or bruises that appear after a minor injury is a vitamin deficiency. Bruising is defined as bleeding that occurs underneath the skin, causing black, blue or purple marks to visibly appear on the skin's surface. But if you bruise very easily, experience excessive bleeding during an injury, or have super heavy periods, you could have Von Willebrand disease.It sounds . Unexplained bruising and kidney issues are both symptoms of chronic kidney disease. I found that my lower back was sore today while standing then found unexplained bruising along my spine. Aging - Bruises known as actinic purpura are found at the back of the arms and hands in older people. I have unexplained bruising on the back of my leg below my knees. Unexplained bruising, sometimes combined with bleeding gums, bleeding from the nose, or bleeding from the intestinal tract, are other symptoms that may require prompt medical attention. a red, puffy, rounded face. a reduced sex drive (low libido) and fertility problems. Elderly people and those taking anticoagulant (anti-clotting) drugs can bruise easily. Unexplained bruising, blood tests OK. Unexplained bruising is one of the symptoms of multiple myeloma, as is bone pain. In the following article, we will try to take you through the reasons behind those unexplained bruises on arms (or anywhere else on the body). Unexplained bruising is very common and heals relatively quickly. Finally, the bruises of actinic purpura tend to last longer than standard bruises and may be present for up to a few weeks after they first appear. a build-up of fat on the back of your neck and shoulders, known as a "buffalo hump". What causes unexplained bruising on upper back and shoulder blades? Communities > Dermatology > large unexplained bruises on middle of back. MD. I noticed this huge bruise on the back of my leg a few days ago. There's 3 or 4 of them within the bruised area. Every day you'll find helpful tips and advice on a wide variety of health topics to help you and your family live well. Bruising or discoloration (Back), Bruising or discoloration (Lumbar spine), Muscle cramps or spasms (painful) and Pain or discomfort. One of the most feared causes of breast bruise is inflammatory breast cancer. Bruises occur when an injury causes blood to leak into the skin or tissues beneath the skin. There are some round spots that are my normal skin color and when i push on them they hurt and are like hard little balls. Causes Of Unexplained Bruising On Legs . First of all, these bruises do not appear 'for no reason at all'. The reason why physical damage could cause your pain is obvious; impacts cause bruises and damage that can last for a long time, especially in sensitive areas like the scalp and the back of the head. Blood-thinning medications may cause breast bruises. Your lower back is called the lumbar region of the spine. But even if your pain is not caused by bruising, physical damage could still play a part. Top Symptoms: pain in one foot, foot injury, foot pain from an injury, pain when touching the foot, foot bruise We are young, 21, and 23. ssgohan_24. WebMD Symptom Checker helps you find the most common medical conditions indicated by the symptoms easy bruising and fatigue including Medication reaction or side-effect, Multiple sclerosis, and Pre-leukemia (myelodysplastic syndrome). Dermatologists call it 'actinic purpura', 'solar purpura' or 'Bateman's purpura'. There is a type of myeloma, non-secretory, where the usual sign of excess blood protein does not occur. Learn more here. My Raynauds gave me problems when I was a teenager, and I have been very lucky and have not had any issues with it for almost 20 years now. So if you bump your body on a hard, blunt surface, your relaxed blood vessels are more likely to release the floodgates. Most people think of a bruise as a black-and-blue spot. "unexplained bruises on the back of the knees. There are 81 conditions associated with easy bruising and fatigue. Foot bruise. Obviously, trauma is the common; however, it sounds like you don't have any history that would indicate trauma. There should be concerned if the legs (or another part of the body) bruise easily and there are other symptoms or multiple bruises. An injury occurred that made the skin fragile, even if the impact went unnoticed. Sporadic bruising usually isn't cause for worry. Tips for Bruising: Elevate the area as quick as you can. large purple stretch marks. What Cause Unexplained Bruises on Buttocks? Get the WBAL-TV 11 News App Unexplained bruising can be the result of numerous causes from aging and vitamin deficiencies to diabetes. There are specific reasons for why they come about and of these, there could be numerous. If coupled with feeling lightheaded (either when/after ch. It first started on my left leg and now it it bright blue on my right leg. Answered by : Dr. Puneet Maheshwari ( ENT Specialist) Fall on the knee, iced bruise, cant put pressure on leg, back of knee swollen, shin bruised. "That means marks around their ears, neck, around eyes, abdomen, buttocks, and soft area of the cheeks. Unexplained bruise on my breast I have a purple bruise at the back of my calf, it is the size of a 5 pence. As bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colors, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. Have easy bruising and a history of significant bleeding, such as . Bruises. I'm a 66 year old active grandmother involved with 7 grandchildren on a regular basis. See also Unexplained Bruising On Shins. Close large unexplained bruises on middle of back clchambers. Unexplained Bruising on Leg. Unexplained weight loss occurs without intentional efforts, such as dieting or increased exercise. @kirstyirsty, Just to give sort of a background, my son had unexplained bruises all over his lower half. Easy bruising and Fatigue. The most common causes of unexplained bruises - Unexplained . I am trying to do ANYTHING to get him back. With actinic purpura, bruising usually appears on the back of the hands and forearms but may also affect the face and neck. Random bruising is a problem that some people have to contend with every now and then. It happens when… Thrombophilia - Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura and idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura are bleeding disorders that… Other symptoms include: skin that bruises easily. As kidney function diminishes, easy bruising and other symptoms indicate that the diseased kidneys can no longer effectively remove waste and extra fluid from the body, states MedlinePlus. See your doctor if you: Have frequent, large bruises, especially if your bruises appear on your trunk, back or face, or seem to develop for no known reasons. Unexplained bruising on the legs may be a symptom of a forgotten injury. The next thing to consider would . If the color is esp dark or unusual in color, with or without pain, the cause could be internal bleeding. I am currently on blood thinners & have been for 4 months. The blood from the vessels leaks into the tissues under the skin and gets trapped there, forming a bruise. weakness in your upper arms and thighs. christine_fay. Bruising occurs when the blood vessels beneath the skin are ruptured. Please help Bruising in children poses a diagnostic challenge to health care providers. "After that, a warm compress can help recirculate blood." Family history, medications may be to blame Random, unexplained bruising on legs is a problem that some people know only too well. It is estimated that over 50% of children older than 1 year will have bruising from minor accidental injury. currently i am having a lot of lower back pain is it related to one another?" Answered by Dr. John Goldman: Not certain not rela (carisoprodol): The bruises are not related to t. When someone presents with lower back bruising, there are a few things that should be considered and ruled out. Chronic kidney disease is caused by diabetes and high blood pressure in . Vitamin K can be used in a dose that is considered safe by your doctor. Unexplained bruising on the legs can occur in both adults and children due to a variety of factors, including injury, age, an underlying health condition, or even things like medication.
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