Hazara. Uruzgan Hazara is bounded on the north and east by the Northern Areas and Azad Kashmir. The Hazaras of Afghanistan Face a Threat to Survival Six of the men were shot and … Demographics of Afghanistan - Wikipedia The Hazara’s roots in South Asia go back centuries. Hazara Tribes . Hazara elders pledge support for Taliban rulers ... Hazaras WHY THE HAZARAS ARE LEAVING AFGHANISTAN - Newspaper - … Uzbek is spoken as a first language by 9% of the population, an additional 6% speak it as a second language. The number of reports, comments, and analyses on Afghanistan skyrocketed. One-quarter is Hazara, another 25% is Pashtun, and minority ethnic groups include Baloch, Uzbek, Turkmen, and Afghan Hindu. The Hazaras, who make up roughly 10 to 20 percent of Afghanistan’s around 38 million population, have been persecuted for centuries in the Sunni majority country. Hazara During the American invasion of Afghanistan (2001-present), the Hazaras are accused of working and spying for the Americans. HAZARA, a race of Afghanistan. The Hazaras are of Mongolian origin, speak a dialect of Persian, and belong to the Shiah sect of Mahommedans. They are of middle size but stoutly made, with small grey eyes, high cheek bones and smooth faces. Ethnic groups in the country include Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbeks, Nuristanis, Aimaq, Turkmen, Baloch and some others which are … There are many nations living … 2.7 million. About 45% of Kabul’s population is Tajik. Practicing Shiite faith of Islam by majority of Hazaras has been an additional motivation for further suppression, coercion and slaughtering At the below, some. The Hazara community constitutes of roundabout 10% to 20% of the total population of Afghanistan. In Kunduz, they make up about 6 percent of the 1 million population. The Hazara of Afghanistan. What Are Their Lives Like? horrific incidents, particularly those The explicit mention of 'Hazara' was striking. The Hazaras of Afghanistan: An Historical, Cultural, Economic and Political Study, London, Curzon Press. The vast majority of Hazaras live in Hazarajat, and many others live in the cities, including in neighboring countries or abroad. Hazara men travel in a three-wheeled vehicle on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, earlier this month. This geographic spread and population density show that probably four million Sunni Hazaras live in Afghanistan. The Hazaras, who make up 10 to 20 per cent of Afghanistan’s around 38 million population, have been persecuted for a long time in the Sunni majority country. The river Indus runs through the division in a north–south line, forming much of the western border of the division. Today, the Hazara comprise 10%-20% of the national population of Afghanistan, where their traditional homeland is in a central region called Hazarajat. The population of Afghanistan is around 40 million as of 2021. The Hazara people are commonly defined as an ethno-linguistic group from central Afghanistan that is Persian-speaking and adherent of the Shia Islam or Ismaili sect of Islam which makes them a major part of the Shia Community in Afghanistan. Though their exact number is uncertain and as with other communities are contested, relatively recent estimates have suggested that Hazaras make up around 9 per cent of the population. The majority of Hazaras in Pakistan, approximately 500,000, live in the city of Quetta, the provincial capital of Baluchistan. 9 The Hazara, a distinct ethnic and religious group within the population of Afghanistan, have often been the target of discriminatory and violent repression. But also Hazaras, who make up an estimated 10% of Afghanistan’s population of nearly 40 million, are ethnically distinct and speak a variant of Farsi rather than Pashtu. Yet in the following years, the political space they were given in the country did not reflect the proportion of the population they constituted. This is sometimes said to be as low as 5 million to as high as 8–10 million. The geographically vulnerable Hazara population has faced more than a century of systemic oppression and marginalization. Today, the Hazara comprise 10-20 percent of the national population of Afghanistan, where their traditional homeland is in a central region called Hazarajat. In the aftermath of the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, violence against the Hazara population has escalated. She added that Hazaras had remained “the main … Some, such as international relations scholar Niamatullah Ibrahimi, put this figure at 25%. … 99% are Muslims, 80% of whom are Sunnis and 19% Shiite. Taliban fighters massacred nine ethnic Hazara men after taking control of Afghanistan’s Ghazni province last month, Amnesty International said today. The Hazaras, who make up roughly 10 to 20 percent of Afghanistan's around 38 million population, have been persecuted for centuries in the Sunni majority country. When the post-Taliban governance of Afghanistan was being set up at the Bonn Conference of 2001, Hazaras were estimated to make up 19 percent of the country’s population. Hazaras are an ethnic group predominantly based in Afghanistan, but also with a large population in Pakistan, with estimates of this group ranging from 650,000 to 900,000. impartial agenc y has recorded elimination of about 60% of Hazara population which was occurred only in the dawn of 20. th century. The Pashtun people are Sunni Muslims and are willing to do anything to wipe out the Hazara people. The conflict kept going because the Hazara people were willing to fight for their rights and property. Sadly, 60% of the Hazara people were killed or sold as slaves. Even today, there is still a conflict going on. They are around 20 - 25 percent of the total population of present-day Afghanistan. Their ancestors are said to include Mongol troops, and recent genetic analysis has confirmed partial Mongol ancestry. The current population of Afghanistan is 40,195,716 based on projections of the latest United Nations data. It will be good for every afghan. On-the-ground researchers spoke to eyewitnesses who gave harrowing accounts of the killings, which took place between 4-6 July in the village of Mundarakht, Malistan district. Over the many years as a result of political unrest in Afghanistan some Hazaras have migrated to Iran. On-the-ground researchers spoke to eyewitnesses who gave harrowing accounts of the killings, which took place between 4-6 July in the village of Mundarakht, Malistan district. Minority Hazara population face persecution under Taliban rule in Afghanistan — again“Why should we be oppressed like this? The Hazaras, who make up 10 to 20 per cent of Afghanistan’s around 38 million population, have been persecuted for a long time in the Sunni majority country. 9 of 23 10 of 23 A Hazara man walks inside a Shiite mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. Afghanistan's Hazara, a long-persecuted minority living in fear of Taliban. Hazaras.8 One such incident reported in the national print and electronic media in 2011, where a vehicle of pilgrims was obstructed near Mastung and selected passengers with Hazara identity were killed. The Afghan National Anthem and the Afghan Constitution each mention fourteen of them, though the lists are not … The Hazara have lived in the territory of modern Afghanistan since the 13th century. They have a long history of being oppressed by the Pashtu majority, some of whom stereotype them as intruders. horrific incidents, particularly those Six of the men were shot and … Primarily now residing in Tirin Kot, the Hazara were half the provincial population before Uruzgan was split and Day Kundi Province was created from the northern portion. Once the largest ethnic group in the country, only make up 9 percent of the Afghan population today. They are an ethno-religious minority, about 9% of the Afghani population of 36 million. people suffered various forms of oppression from Pashtun rulers Also Know, what is the Hazara population in Afghanistan? The Hazara population is geographically divided between the Hazarajat Hazara, who live in the central Hindu Kush Mountains, and those living outside the Hazarajat. But the Afghans came down heavily in retaliation. In the aftermath of the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan, violence against the Hazara population has escalated. After the handover of Afghanistan to the Taliban, the world media specifically turned their attention to Afghanistan. In recent years, the Hazara were included as part of the "Afghan state," and the tribal affiliation is diminishing. Culture Yet regardless of how many remain, one thing is clear: The Hazaras are amongst the most discriminated against and persecuted people in the world. Hazaragi is the native language of the Hazara people and is considered a dialect of Dari. The differences are partly religious. Hazaras occupy the rugged central highlands regions in Afghanistan. The group vowed to continue targeting the vulnerable Hazara Shia community, who constitute roughly 15 to 20 percent of the country's population. Hazara. Afghanistan must be divided into different parts because that will be in everyone's interest. The majority of Hazaras live in Hazarajat (or Hazarestan), 'land of the Hazara', which is situated in the rugged central mountainous core of Afghanistan with an area of approximately 50,000 sq. Before the 19 th century, Shia Hazaras were the largest minority in Afghanistan, making up 67% of the population. The Hazara population is geographically divided between the Hazarajat Hazara, who live in the central Hindu Kush Mountains, and those living outside the Hazarajat. The majority of the Hazara live in the Hazarajat, also called Hazarastan. The Hazara people or the Hazaras are an ethnic tribe native to the Hazarajat region of Central Afghanistan. They speak a variant of the Dari language known as the Hazaragi. To the south are the Islamabad Capital Territory and the province of Punjab, whilst to the west lies the rest of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The Hazara have lived in the territory of modern Afghanistan since the 13th century. Today, Hazaras make up around 20% of Afghanistan’s 38-million population. There is a small percentage of Hazara in the Khoshi and Pol-e Alam districts. For the Hazara population from Afghanistan and Pakistan overall, 380 different haplotypes were observed on these 27 Y-STR loci, gene diversities ranged from 0.51288 (DYS389I) to 0.9257 (DYF387S1), and haplotype diversity was 0.9992. The campaign led to the massacre of about 62% of the Hazara population and forcible removal of Hazaras into then sub-continent (current Pakistan), Iran, and Central Asia. Comprising between 10 to 20 percent of the country's 38-million people, Hazaras have been marginalised for their largely Shiite faith. Hazaras of Afghanistan are Shiite and Persian-language, living predominantly in the central provinces. A strange, new relationship is developing in Afghanistan following the takeover by the Taliban three months ago. But Hazaras, who make up an estimated 10% of Afghanistan's population of nearly 40 million, are also ethnically distinct and speak a variant of Farsi rather than Pashtu. The two bloodiest attacks on Hazara community include the suicide bombing of a snooker club in Quetta which killed 96 and left 150 Hazaras injured. Three revolts over the last 15 years of the century ended with as many as 65% of the Hazara population being either massacred or displaced to Pakistan or Iran. Hazaras currently make up 9 to 10% of Afghanistan’s total population of 38 million. Hazara. As Afghanistana€™s merely significant Shia human population, the Hazara show sturdy link to Iran that elongates back generations. Answer (1 of 16): Yes Afghanistan be partitioned into a pashtun country and non-Pashtun country. Hazaras, who represent around a fifth of Afghanistan’s population, have been persecuted since the rule of Abdur Rahman Khan, Amir of Afghanistan during the 19th Century because of their Shi’a religious beliefs and practices, and their distinct features. But also Hazaras, who make up an estimated 10% of Afghanistan’s population of nearly 40 million, are ethnically distinct and speak a variant of Farsi rather than Pashtu. This makes them an important minority in a country of 38 million. For Afghan Hazaras, where to pray can be life and death choice. Population data is difficult to obtain because Afghanistan lacks updated census data, large numbers of Hazaras have returned from Pakistan and Iran, and many have migrated within Afghanistan. Some claim it to be as low as 6% of the total population. The Hazaras are a distinct ethnoreligious group living in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan and have been a target of systematic oppression, persecution, and subject to state-sponsored ethnic cleansing campaigns since the 1890s. The Shia in Afghanistan consist mostly of the Hazara ethnic group, which totalled almost 10% of Afghanistan's population. For three consecutive centuries, Hazaras have witnessed a wave of ethnic violence targeted against them. The majority of Hazaras in Pakistan, approximately 500,000, live in the city of Quetta, the provincial capital of Baluchistan. The Taliban recently "massacred" and brutally tortured several members of … The plight of the Hazaras isn’t well known on the international stage. Hazara men travel on a three-wheeler vehicle on the outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan earlier this month. The creation of a center for Sunni Hazaras was initiated during 2014 and also in years before that, albeit at a smaller scale. The Hazara are largely Shi’a in religion but are considered as non-Muslim heretics or infidels by the Taliban as well as by members of the Islamic State in Khorasan (ISIS … According to Minority Rights Group International, once the largest Afghan ethnic group constituting nearly 67% of the state’s population, Hazaras now make up around 9% of the total population. World Reuters Updated: October 21, 2021 4:56 pm IST While the Taliban and other armed groups are targeting and committing human rights violations against the people of Afghanistan, the Hazara… A mostly Shiite Muslim ethnic minority, Hazaras make up about 9 percent of the country’s total population of 40 million people, according to the nongovernmental organization Minority Rights Group International. There are some three million Hazara whose home area is in the central mountainous core of Afghanistan, but a good number have migrated to Kabul, most holding unskilled labor positions in the city. Today, the Hazara comprise 10%-20% of the national population of Afghanistan, where their traditional homeland is in a central region called Hazarajat. The Hazaras, who now make up an estimated nine percent of Afghanistan’s population, have historically faced prejudice, mistreatment and violence in Afghanistan. Now, estimates number the Afghan Hazara at around 2.9 million, less than 10% of the country's population according to the UN. They make The majority of Hazaras in Pakistan, approximately 500,000, live in the city of Quetta, the provincial capital of Baluchistan. The Hazaras are the third largestethnic group of Afghanistan and a religious minority. Hazaras are an ethnic group predominantly based in Afghanistan, but also with a large population in Pakistan, with estimates of this group ranging from 650,000 to 900,000. The majority of the Hazara live in the Hazarajat, also called Hazarastan. The Hazara, a distinct ethnic and religious group within the population of Afghanistan, have often been the target of discriminatory and violent repression. What my 20 years in Afghanistan taught me about the Taliban – and how the west consistently underestimates them November 30, 2021 8.56am EST Sippi Azarbaijani Moghaddam , University of St Andrews The Association of World Citizens (AWC) is strongly concerned by possible repression against the Hazara population in Afghanistan, repression of such an extent that it could be considered genocide. The Hazara’s roots in South Asia go back centuries. 9 of 21 10 of 21 A Hazara man walks inside a Shiite mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021. November 1, 2021 Gabriel Vilanova. The Hazara are a people living mostly in central Afghanistan. Yet regardless of how many remain, one thing is clear: The Hazaras are amongst the most discriminated against and persecuted people in the world. Between 1890 and 1893, Pashtun Sunni leader Amir Abdur Rahman Khan declared jihaduponHazaras, who resisted by declaring jihad against the ruling forces. Today, it has around 2.2 million speakers worldwide, mainly in Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan. The Hazaras, who make up roughly 10 to 20 per cent of Afghanistan’s around 38 million population, have been persecuted for centuries in the Sunni majority country. [304] Who are the Hazaras? Taliban fighters massacred nine ethnic Hazara men after taking control of Afghanistan’s Ghazni province last month, Amnesty International said today. They were once the largest Afghan ethnic group constituting nearly 67 per cent of the total population of the state before the 19th century. Hazara have faced very harsh and inhumane treatment throughout history. Presently Hazaras are the third largest ethnic minority, with most following the Shiite school of Islamic ideology. There is a small percentage of Hazara in the Khoshi and Pol-e Alam districts. We do not know the exact population of the Hazara in Afghanistan. However, a few Shiite Islamists did support Taliban rule, such as Ustad Muhammad Akbari . The Hazaras are organized in tribes with the Daizangi representing 57.2% of their population. The most commonly mentioned figure is 9%. The UN estimates the July 1, 2021 population at 39,835,428 . “In the 1990s, the Taliban massacred thousands of Hazaras,” said Azra Jafari, a Hazara activist and politician who made history in 2008 after becoming Afghanistan’s first … What we have are estimates of the total Hazara population. We the undersigned, Hazara diaspora civil society organizations, express our deep concerns about the tense situation unfolding in the Behsud district of Afghanistan's Maidan-Wardak province. Some, such as international relations scholar Niamatullah Ibrahimi, put this figure at 25%. Large portions of the Hazara demography disappeared from the face of the earth during this time. Hazaras are an ethnic group predominantly based in Afghanistan, but also with a large population in Pakistan, with estimates of this group ranging from 650,000 to 900,000. The nation is composed of a multi-ethnic and multilingual society, reflecting its location astride historic trade and invasion routes between Central Asia, Southern Asia, and Western Asia. Due to their ethnic features and religious beliefs, the Shia Muslim Hazaras, living in a predominantly Sunni Muslim Aghanistan, have faced cultural and economic discrimination, as well as religious persecution. Hazaras have long been discriminated against in Afghanistan from a mix of factors, of which religion is just one. Ismailis. Practicing Shiite faith of Islam by majority of Hazaras has been an additional motivation for further suppression, coercion and slaughtering At the below, some. But in 1892, the community staged their first action against the Afghans, after a Hazara woman was raped by 33 Afghani soldiers. With a long history of persecution, including by the Taliban, the Hazaras are right to fear a genocide. Afghanistan's Hazara, a long-persecuted minority living in fear of Taliban. Their ancestors are said to include Mongol troops, and recent genetic analysis has confirmed partial Mongol ancestry. In the last two decades they have been targeted in particular by the Taliban and … Their ancestors are said to include Mongol troops, and recent genetic analysis has confirmed partial Mongol ancestry. Primarily now residing in Tirin Kot, the Hazara were half the provincial population before Uruzgan was split and Day Kundi Province was created from the northern portion. The Hazara, a distinct ethnic and religious group within the population of Afghanistan, have often been the target of discriminatory and violent repression. Afghanistan is a multiethnic and mostly tribal society.The population of the country consists of numerous ethnolinguistic groups: Pashtun, Tajik, Hazara, Uzbek, Aimaq, Turkmen, Baloch, Pashai, Nuristani, Gujjar, Arab, Brahui, Qizilbash, Pamiri, Kyrgyz, Sadat and others. The Taliban’s Ethnic Cleansing Of the Hazaras. “In the 1990s, the Taliban massacred thousands of Hazaras,” said Azra Jafari, a Hazara activist and politician who made history in 2008 after becoming Afghanistan’s first female mayor. Others as high as 20–25%. Ismaili people are a Shia ethnic group that is primarily but not exclusively Hazara, and has a substantial population in Baghlan. But Hazaras, who make up an estimated 10% of Afghanistan’s population of nearly 40 million, are also ethnically distinct and speak a variant of Farsi rather than Pashtu. The Afghanistan National Security and Defence Force (ANDSF) have been deployed to launch a military operation against a local resistance force under Commander Abdul … There are approximately 2.7 million Hazaras in Afghanistan (CIA World Factbook 2011). But they were once even larger, constituting approximately 67 per cent of Afghanistan’s total population. A predominantly Shiite Muslim ethnic minority, the Hazaras make up about 9 percent of the country’s total population of 40 million, according to the non-governmental organization Minority Rights Group International. impartial agenc y has recorded elimination of about 60% of Hazara population which was occurred only in the dawn of 20. th century. The Hazara people traditionally live in the mountainous central belt of Afghanistan. The local Hazara population has been estimated at 500,000 people of which at least one-third have spent more than half their life in Iran. km., with others living in the Badakhshan mountains. In the 1890s, 60 percent of the Hazara population was murdered. During the 1978-2001 war years numerous Hazara fled with other Afghans to Pakistan or Iran. 9 The Hazara, a distinct ethnic and religious group within the population of Afghanistan, have often been the target of discriminatory and violent repression. They were once the largest Afghan ethnic group constituting nearly 67% of the total population of The Hazaras are one of Afghanistan’s largest ethnic minorities, accounting for about 10-12 per cent of the country’s 38-million strong population. Hazara men pray inside a Shiite shrine in Kabul, Afghanistan, Friday, Nov. 5, 2021. The Hazara backed the wrong candidate in a succession struggle in the late 19th century, and ended up rebelling against the new government. Considered infidels by the Sunni Taliban and the target of … Comprising roughly 10-20 percent of Afghanistan’s 38-million population, Hazaras have long been persecuted for their largely Shia faith in a country racked by deep ethnic divisions. Hazāra (Persian: هزاره‎) are a Persian-speaking people who mainly live in central Afghanistan and in Pakistan. They are mostly Shiite Muslims and comprise the third largest ethnic group of Afghanistan, forming about 18% (according to other sources up to 25%) of the total population.
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