Fact: We care deeply about families, and we use the Bible to help build stronger families. . Celebrating Is an Expression of Thanks. The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that we are justified before God. Why Is Christmas so Important? Leanna Shepard Christmas Leave a Comment Print. Reasons to Celebrate Christmas | Ron Rolheiser (2) Jesus left us with teachings of the greatest wisdom ever. What is the real reason for Christmas season? A thank you: Recognize the hard work your staff and colleagues did over the past year and say Thank you with giving them a brilliant Christmas party! Ten Reasons to Celebrate Ascension Day The ascension of Jesus testifies that what we can perceive with our five physical senses is only part of the splendor God has envisioned for us —while doing nothing to denigrate the beauty of our bodily experience of the world around us. The debate about whether or not Christians should celebrate Christmas has been raging for centuries. Why Muslims do not celebrate Christmas in a nutshell. 10 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is Important ... Satan the devil has done a superb job of mixing a good amount of deception with a little bit of truth to produce a religious holiday that deceivingly appeals to both the head and heart. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it . . As a matter of fact, Jesus isn't born anywhere near this date! Golby & A.W. Was He born on December 25th?Please Donate Us to continue spread. The 'real reason, for the celebrations is to accept the greatest gift given to man, which is Jesus Christ. Your Birth Was Your Beginning. 1. Christianity is a fraud. Similarly, have you ever imagined why we celebrate birthdays? Although it can get quite cold in Florida during the winter months, more than some of us would like, we still have to appreciate how much shorter and warmer our winters are compared to other parts of the country. 31 Reasons to Celebrate in December - The Spruce Here are 31 reasons to celebrate during the month of December. My children are younger (under 5) but they still know the general concept behind why we celebrate Christmas. Arthur Levine's kids' book The Hanukkah Magic of Nate Gadol imagines a fanciful origin for the tradition. 2. Key Takeaways: Christmas on December 25. Because Easter represents the moment God's only Son, Jesus, took on your death sentence, served the term, and called it finished! The Top 10 Reasons Why I Don't Celebrate Christmas It's that time of year again! If He was born, crucified, died, was buried but remained dead, then we would not be celebrating His birth because He wouldn't be who He had claimed to be. ( Romans 4:25) Justification means "to be put right with.". Bibliography The Making of A Modern Christmas , J.M. but when i say "blessed yule" or "blessed solstice" in return, you don't get to be offended. It Is a Chance to Acknowledge Your Existence. Because God has blessed me with the opportunity to share the light of God to a world in darkness. Innerarchitect welcome and thanks for sharing that link to your blog so shamelessly. . by Scott . Easter brought salvation. We celebrate Christmas because, as the angel said, the birth of Jesus Christ is "good news." Good news is meant to be celebrated. October 31st has long been known as "The Festival of the Dead". Purdue, Sutton Publishing, 1986 Shoppers will soon go into spending overdrive, and when the bills arrive, some will wonder if it's really worth it. Carols are sung in churches as part of religious services but many carol services take place outside in public places. 1. Every year more than 400 million people around the world celebrate the holiday known as Christmas. where we do not celebrate the power of God so much as we observe and demonstrate our faith in the power of advertising and credit cards. So, don't miss out on it. There are so many people doing so all over the world. Easter originated out of hate. How did December 25 become Christmas? If you want to celebrate your holiday, go for it! World . So, take advantage of this holiday to teach kids about the true reason for the season. Here's 7 ways to win over your boss to put on an awesome Christmas Party Click To Tweet Jesus wasn't born on December 25. Team building and bonding: Staff will be able to get to know each other better . It's only fair. The term "Christmas" comes from the Old English Cristes Maesse, which means Christ's mass. Reason for the Season. The real reason for the Christmas season is to confuse and deceive people about what the Bible teaches about Jesus' miraculous birth. The festivals have their importance in all fields of knowledge, when we celebrate festivals we become physically more active and this increases our metabolism and regulates blood circulations and this is good for our fitness. Mags absolutely we all have multiple reasons to celebrate. Reasons to Celebrate Christmas. . Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. I loved everything about it. Occasional celebrations are worth spending time on. The Son of God set aside His heavenly garb to be clothed in human flesh. December 22, 2015. Others celebrate it by getting drunk, some beginning at the office party on the last working day before Christmas, and not sobering up Myth: The reason why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas is that they do not believe in Jesus. Key Takeaways: Christmas on December 25. People should follow the teachings of their prophets and take the time for reflection, rather than make their birthdays' occasion for merriment and enjoyment. Many in our secular society believe Halloween is nothing more than a harmless festival that allows kids to collect candy. The Christmas party, in whatever form or shape it takes, is a reward for a year of hard work. . To keep Christmas fresh, Julie tries to celebrate just a little bit differently, every year.One year, she may deck the halls from top to bottom and just put out a small tree the next. We always think of giving when there is excess but God had only one Son yet He gave Him up for us. . Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Here are a few reasons why Christmas is one of the best holidays for college students. But, we have seen from the other ancient pagan festivals associated with Christmas and Easter that these pagan connections do not serve as a reason why we cannot celebrate a Christian holiday. In a nutshell, Ahmadi Muslims do not celebrate Christmas because: 1. The explanation for how human beings came to be greatly affects why we celebrate. "I had so much fun recording this song. Jesus was not born on December 25 th. 7 Reasons To Start Celebrating Christmas Now. Celebrate the . doesn't hurt my feelings any. Why do I celebrate Christmas? When someone refers to "the holidays," there's a good chance they're talking about an event in December. Yet another Hebrew scam. The multicultural Christmas we celebrate in 2016 is very different than what was done centuries ago. 1. Based on the success of our December article, "Why We Do Not Celebrate Christmas," the Psalm11918.org team has put together an article of similar observations focused on the celebration of Easter.Here are our top 10 reasons why we do not celebrate Easter: 10. Because they know that not everyone in America is celebrating Ramadan with them. 10 Reasons Christmas In Florida Is The Absolute Best. . Christians celebrate Christmas because it reminds them of God's sacrificial giving. We also often read that Christmas is a pagan holiday and has nothing to do with Jesus because first and foremost, Jesus was not born on December 25; not even . Be it with self or others, you know you have celebrated it good and different this time. step into the spirit of Christmas early this year. Christmas is a special occasion for many of us. December 25, 2017. Many people who don't embrace the religious aspect of Christmas still enjoy decorating a tree and exchanging gifts. Here are the top 10 reasons why a good company Christmas party can improve the team morale and benefit your company! We all know that shepherds are out on the . 6 min 1 YEAR AGO by Marc Bope. Jesus. While there are different reasons I don't celebrate Christmas, I just want to share ten of them here. 7 Reasons Why Easter Is All Important To Christians. Christmas is a great opportunity to teach your kids about why Christmas is such a big deal and why we celebrate it. When someone refers to "the holidays," there's a good chance they're talking about an event in December. 2) Jesus love inspires people to be extra kind and giving this time of year. Because of what He did, we can celebrate the fact that He was born to provide a way for us to celebrate being in His presence for an eternity (1 John 4:10-19). Why? He wouldn't provide the salvation . In fact, the angel said the news of Jesus' birth would cause "great joy" and would be "for all the people"—the joyful celebration would be universal. (3) Jesus left supernatural proofs of His deity. To Do the Will of the Father When was He born and why do we celebrate His birth during the December Christmas Season? 10 Reasons To Celebrate Christmas (1) The invisible made itself visible in human form. 10 Reasons Why You're Dreaming About Your Ex . In fact, it is a great time for families to get together. Today, 46% of Americans say they celebrate Christmas as primarily a . The Spirit Of Christmas can be heard and purchased at www.LighthouseBooksAndMusic.com. 10 Reasons to Ban Christmas. - Romans 5:15. The decorations, the food, the family, the gifts; it was all so beautiful an. & sure, yeah, say merry christmas. This makes a great lesson for Kids Church, or Sunday School. 6 Reasons Why Birthdays Are Important to Celebrate. or better yet: we can all . 7. I read it and you are on the money. For Christians, this holiday is significant because it celebrates God becoming man in order . step into the spirit of Christmas early this year. Weird. There are equally sincere and committed Christians on both sides of the issue, each with multiple reasons why or why not Christmas should be celebrated in Christian homes. It's one of the oldest holidays, most meaningful, and is celebrated around the world. This is actually the true essence of Christmas. we celebrate Easter because of Jesus Christ's sacrifice for our sins. 10 reasons why I don't celebrate Christmas. Reason #1 Christmas reminds us that we need each other. 10 Reasons You Shouldn't Underestimate the Importance of a Christmas Party Widely regarded as the biggest social event in the calendar, the Christmas party is eagerly anticipated by clients and colleagues alike. Here are 15 reasons Christmas should start in November: 1. So wtf are we celebrating the birth of baby Jesus for? Does Christmas really celebrate the birthday of Jesus? Celebrating Christmas means that even if you've heard this song eleventy-hundred times in one . It's a Great Opportunity to Bond With People. December 20, 2009. The earliest celebration of Christmas, or the Feast of the Nativity, on December 25 was held in the year AD 336 in Rome. It's when everything that looked plain on an ordinary day suddenly lights up and brightens the whole area. Jewish families haven't always given presents on Hanukkah — it dates only to the 1880s. Its origins lie deeply rooted in the occult, and Christians should stay away. 10 reasons Australians should celebrate bilbies, not bunnies, this Easter. These 10 Christian Christmas movies listed below are great options that can be enjoyed by the whole family. . Sometimes . Here are ten reasons why: 1. But c'mon Christmas folks: You know what we mean. People from around the world celebrate Christmas with their family and friends. For those who get homesick easily, college was a tough transition. We celebrate in . - Matthew 18:2-5. But is it? In Why Christ Came: 31 Meditations on the Incarnation, authors Joel Beeke and William Boekestein share 31 reasons why Jesus Christ came to earth: 1. 7 Reasons To Start Celebrating Christmas Now. Sometimes they will get into the "Mommy, I want that for Christmas" and that is all I hear for the next 30 minutes and then I just ask them why we really celebrate Christmas and they say because Jesus was born and that usually stops the whole asking for every toy they see . With the final days dwindling by, you can now go home and be with the ones you love. From National Cupcake Day to Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day, December is more than just Christmas and New Year's Eve. Four Reasons Why Christmas Matters. Fun! Top 10 Important Reasons Why To Celebrate Our Birthdays. While the Bible is silent about the precise month or day on which Jesus was born, a careful investigation of the indirect (circumstantial) evidence of Scripture provides us with a reasonable time frame. It's literally the most wonderful time of the year - there's even a song written about it. (John 17:4, John 19:30) Jesus took on the darkest evils of the world through the worst death, just in case you'd decide to believe in Him 2,000 years later. "I chose 'Go Tell It On The Mountain' because it is a celebration of the Savior's birth, the whole reason why we celebrate Christmas," she said. Visit of the Magi Approximately 2,000 years ago, some wise men traveled from the east to find the newborn king of the Jews. The Christmas season would just make you feel warm inside. Growing up, Christmas was my favorite time of year. Digger for Truth. Christ's birth is a miraculous concept. The term "Christmas" comes from the Old English Cristes Maesse, which means Christ's mass. It Opens the Door to New Mercies. 3) It's a time of year where we can all be like little children, just like Jesus taught. For two millennia, people around the world have been observing it . While these figures have generally held steady in recent years, the role of religion in Christmas celebrations appears to be declining. which many Americans define as the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, changes from year to year. Everyone knows the trappings associated with the holiday—Christmas trees, red and green ornaments, presents, etc.—but its origins are less familiar. 1. 1. From National Cupcake Day to Make Cut-Out Snowflakes Day, December is more than just Christmas and New Year's Eve. I don't know about you, but one of the big reasons I appreciate and enjoy Christmas so much is the shared experience. On December 25th, nine in 10 Americans will celebrate Christmas, but few understand why. These films can also be a great catalyst for deeper discussions of what this season of . It's a Celebration. where we do not celebrate the power of God so much as we observe and demonstrate our faith in the power of advertising and credit cards. 1 Nine-in-ten Americans (90%) — and 95% of Christians — say they celebrate Christmas, according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Here are 15 more reasons why we celebrate Easter. People who do not acknowledge God as their Creator and Authority have no greater reason to live other than to eat, drink, and be merry in their own works ( Ecclesiastes 2:24 ). It's not the religious aspect that causes the tiredness, but the overdrawn rituals that surround it: the overly decorated shops, the conscriptive shopping, the lights, the Santas, the Christmas trees, and the carols that begin to . 3 Reasons Why I Celebrate Christmas. . The Righteous One came to live in a world enslaved to sin . And there are good reasons not just for Hindus but also for all others to celebrate this great Festival of Lights. If you stop and ask anyone why the world celebrates Easter, the standard responses would be . 3. A A A. Scripture has a different answer-Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ. . "He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.". Here are 31 reasons to celebrate during the month of December. A very early Christian tradition said that the day when Mary was told that she would have a very special baby, Jesus (called the Annunciation) was on March 25th - and it's still celebrated today on the 25th March. 1) The number one reason why Jesus is the reason for the season is that He is the ultimate gift to the world. 10 Reasons the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is Important. . You'll soon be barraged by the sights, sounds and smells of Christmas. Christmas 2017: Why And How We Celebrate Christmas Merry Christmas: Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, who in the Christian religion, is also known as 'The Son Of God'. Things were somewhat under control until early settler Thomas Austin released 24 rabbits into the wild on Christmas Day in 1859, stating that, "The introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm and might provide a touch of home, in addition to a spot of . Most Christians today probably can't imagine Christmas on any other day than December 25, but it wasn't always that way. If we follow traditional rules, the holiday season can literally vary by a full week because of when Thanksgiving falls. The earliest celebration of Christmas, or the Feast of the Nativity, on December 25 was held in the year AD 336 in Rome. Christmas carols are traditional songs which celebrate the story of Christmas. Christmas is important because it is a major religious holiday for Christians, because it is a widely celebrated secular holiday, and because it accounts for significant economic activity in the United States and worldwide. In my mind, there is no reason why we should have to wait until December to start celebrating. Four Reasons Why Christmas Matters. At the end of the day, who doesn't want to let their hair down and have a great time?. It is that time of the year again, where we get to celebrate Easter habitually. Is it mere coincidence that Simeon and Judas, called Maccabaeus, led the cleansing of the Lord's . I love watching holiday movies together, decorating a gingerbread house with my kids, and laughing at the sloppiness of the candy and the icing. When we celebrate the birth of Christ in Christmas we do not only celebrate because He was born. One of the most important scientific reasons behind celebrating festivals is showing gratitude towards nature and . I love the connection and support that shines through in your story. 10) Bottomline: I think this Christmas thing is WAY out of control. which many Americans define as the period between Thanksgiving and Christmas, changes from year to year. Celebrate the . Early in the history of the church, it was widely accepted that the Lord's Supper (the breaking of . 2. Fact: We are Christians.We believe that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ.— Acts 4:12.. 1. Christmas remains a time to forget about the long dark days and celebrate with friends and family. Christmas has become so commercialized that the center of the celebration has totally drifted away from the real reason why Christians should rejoice and celebrate this meaningful season. The King of kings gave up His place at the Father's side to give us a future and a hope. Despite claims by modern Wiccans and Druids, no one really knows what happened during Samhain. Love this! 10. Christmas is a holiday that is packed with rich traditions and history. Bible scholars and experts would readily admit that December 25 isn't the birthdate of Christ. We celebrate in . Jesus Christ is the light of the world. So why do Christians, or those celebrating Christmas, assume that everyone else is playing along with them? It's not just the festive mood in the air that makes you happy, or just that it's a good time to enjoy before the advent of winter. Christ Jesus is the reason for the season. Here's a perspective from one who kicked the Christmas habit. If we are honest, we must admit that many people even Christians, celebrate Christmas by watching sports, decorating their houses, visiting family and friends or buying presents.
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